Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Ethno-Vision or the Method of Discourse of Ethno-Cultural Anthropology

At the time where paradigms modernists and post modernists of intelligibility are getting short of breath, the scientific practice cannot simply ignore the meaning and the presence of the existing stress and anxiety since the standardization of living condition is erecting and proving ground for the homogenization of social studies. It is true though that many thoughts and speeches about man and his culture sustain, resist, pretend, and claim the uniqueness of their views. The ethno-anthropology that we advocate is not let alone. That’s the reason why the text here committed insists on characterizing its method of analysis called ethno-perspective.

The ethno-perspective or ethnanalysis, that means, the reflexive basic method common to all ethnologists and anthropologists, is first analysis before interpretation from the highest platform stand point theory. Preceded and enhanced with a synopsis of current theories in ethno-anthropology, the phenomenology of the milestones of the analysis that are holistic, contextual, and endosemic are the focus.

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