Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Cultures-Truth .The Self and Other. Ethnography of a relationship of exclusion

Culture is not a firm scientific knowledge though in certain cases, it integrates it. Culture is not a science of life, but a lifestyle, a formulation and a solution to the problem of daily living, formulation and solution made of one being inserted into realities-the-world where they take effect, coherence, not only truth. From the day a community asks as the only true, universal, what it says, thinks, does, and then it yields the seeds of excluding other communities.

Culture-truth is absolutism of life invention, self-centering, of its standards, and the marginalization of the Other with its own traditions and customs. Per Culture-Truth, it is the only best, suitable and accepted models of culture and traditions, whereas those of others are wrong and bad. Culture-truth is willing to replace the different cultures around the world by expressing a unique universal culture. Culture-truth is fundamentalism, that is to say, a rejection of diversity, and by definition, cultures. Unfortunately for humanity, culture-truth is the best thing the world shared.